Tuesday, January 20, 2009

12:35 AM - Thanksgiving

My Thanksgiving

Well, It was fine ate to much and had a tone of leftovers. I missed my boyfriend he went to his grandmother's house for the holiday, but up side I had all the sweet potato Pie to myself. My time is playing tommorow and I have to work. AAAAAAHAHAHAHAH! That is crazy. Anyways, got to go got stuff to do.

10:57 PM - So This Is Life

I was just sitting here thinking of all the things that enrich my day to day.

My children are the sun, the moon, and the stars. The very reason for the light in my day and the dreams of my nights.

My mother is the guidince that I seek when it becomes to foggy to see and to hard to think.

My boyfriend is the warmth I need when the world is to cold for even me. He is the kindness I don't always have and the serenity that I know I lack.

My brothers and sisters remind me of when I was young when I thought as long as they were safe and happy my world was complete.

Friends are are the confussing and wierd things that happen that make life interesting....... to say the least.

My job though very trying at time is truely one of the places I can feel at home. The people there are my family now.

My happiness is in the things above and so much more there are many things I am said about, but just look at all that I  have to make me smile what more will do I need.

And for all of this I can think the One Person who never will  let me fall...... My Lord on High, His Son and the Holy Spirit.

So, I think you in all your forms and your likiness Dear God and I think your son for is Love for me, and i think you for all I am blessed with the painfull, the joy, the sad, the good and the bad. I know I am who I am because of you.

10:56 AM - The changes that come in time

The Changes


The changes that come in time

That come from wisdom that only from expression

It is sad that the heart must be broken before it can heal

The soul put in darkiness before the light can be seen

The pain is so great that cring can't even relief the acking


I had to to go though the debths of Hell to find the Light of Goodiness

The happiness in my life is greater because of the sarrow of that I had to indure

I have find my light, my joy, my reason for living and the funny thing is



It was not my children although they are the reason for the the greatest joy I have ever felt...... Being a Mom

It is not my family....... although they make life very interesting

It is not the the man I love..... although he brings me many happiness and joys I have never known


But, just me

You would think it would take more I am not that special

Nothing that talented about me

I am just a girl in a woman's body

I have a damaged heart, but it is healing

I have little trust, but is growing

I have little hope, but the light is guiding me

I will go far

I will be the woman I was supposed to be


2:07 AM - Wow


3:22 AM - Things Never Changes

Men Are All Dogs

They tell you what we want to hear. 

To get what they want.

They say they Love you. 

That's such a joke. 

They would not know the truth if it bit them in the butt. 

 God is the only the only man I trust.  

They want thier bones buried in any hole that suits them and damn the heart that lay between tne breast of the person they Lie To. 

My heart is safe from all of them and they will never get in. 

My Heart belongs only to my kids and my God.  So damn you all.

1:02 AM - To New Beginings

To New Beginings

The life I had was good on days but mostly it was as bad has never I care to speak of.  My life now is good most days and the is so much better than it used to be and it all happened when I had a new begining. Well, let me explan. You see I was in a relationship that was bad for both of us. I got three of the best kids ever form it but still. I hope that you don't think ill of me, but the truth is the truth. Anyway, the new begining. You see I got up one day and looked at the sun and said to myself I can be happy maybe not today, but one day. So, got off my big butt and started on my new life and that was the begining. It has not been that long since that day, it feels like a lifetime ago. Now I have so many blessing they are hard to count. I hope you who read this know that I am greatiful for all that has been giving to me and the many things and people in my life.  


4:20 AM - OMG

So My life sucks!

I hate my life to day it sucks so much I can't even begin to tell you

how much. The people in this house are driving me insane.

I guess I just had a bad day. Anyway I just want to go to bed a go to bed.

I just don't want to think about this day any longer.

I have to go now see you later. 

6:09 PM - All The Good Things


All I love is in my life. The things that mean the most.

The God I love,the people I know, the job I have, and the school I intend.

The many things that mean the most are not things you can buy or own, but things God provides.

Such as good health, good friends, and the love of a good family.

My life is full of all these good things.

Sunshine, love, joy, pain,sorrow and every little thing in between.

 The biggest thing I am greatful for is my children.

They are my life and my heart.

So be thankful for all you have and know it all can be gone in just moments.